Phew, term's out and I know that as soon as the come down has come and gone I shall be left happily exhausted. Not only can I hardly believe one more school year has come to a close but my tenure on the the PTA has too. Ladies and Gentlemen, harmony and rosie has left the building!
The day ended with a party for the Year 2 school leavers. For that we wheeled in the usual rubbish foods, tied balloons to door handles and gazebos, and organised a DJ to entertain. We had previously asked the children to provide their favourite dance tracks which the DJ then played, also giving special recognition to those children who will celebrate their birthdays in the holidays. It was so lovely and the children were crazy with excitement. Sure beats maths!
And do you know what? Those lovely ladies had done a secret collection for me and I'm still in shock to say I was presented with, not only a fabulous bunch of lilies but a voucher for a very generous figure indeed! I cannot tell you just how unbelievably staggered I still am. People can be so generous, it's untrue.

But having lamented earlier that I never win anything, I must say that things have been looking up for me this week - very high up indeed. You see, not only have I been bestowed with a reason for a jolly good shopping trip but I did in fact win a giveaway. Florence's recent Anna Maria Horner delicious voile is now sitting next to me as I type, courtesy of Ray Stitch, and then what felt like moments later I had an email from Sew, Mama, Sew asking permission to feature my halter dress on their Make it Wear it! Challenge highlights. As if I needed to think on that one for long! So is my luck turning, I shall surely be rushing out for a lottery ticket this weekend if it is!
And speaking of winning and giving, the first three comments on Monday's Pay it Forward post were from Isabelle of Suzy's Vintage Attic, Tracy and Scented Sweetpeas. (Sorry Tracy, I can't link to you as your blogger profile isn't available.) Ladies, if you would like to email me your addresses (see my profile page) a little something will be winging its way to you within the next 365 days. Don't be too horrified by this time frame, I certainly won't be expecting you to wait a whole year but as I said in the post, it will be sent when you're least expecting it.
In the meantime, don't forget your duties to the Pay it Forward pledge, and now do your own little post, inviting three comments, and so carrying the goodness on.
Enjoy the weekend x
Sounds like a few well deserved rewards have come your way.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend
You are so sweet..I love your blog and the way you write..those heart pillows look amazing!
ReplyDeleteAbout a year ago I did participated in a pay it forward..was so much fun! oxoxo Have a great Friday my friend...love love your little bags..those are children size ..right?
I just love the lavender hearts you have made, the fabrics are really beautiful. I bet the lucky ladies who received them were really pleased.
ReplyDeleteAnn x
Oooohhhh yes you must buy a lottery ticket this weekend - isn't it funny how these things all turn up at once?
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous weekend,
Nina x
Lucky You! Enjoy your weekend - a Heatwave!!!! Can't remember one of those for ages! xxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteAdored and romantic hearts!
ReplyDeleteYou were beautiful!
Awww, how lovely to be appreciated and given such a lovely surprise! Hmmm, so what are you going to spend the "very generous" voucher on???
ReplyDeletei've got another two weeks of peace left before Joshy is finished at school. I think you deserve the collection voucher! fliss xx
ReplyDeleteI saw that you won the voile, you lucky thing! How sweet to have all your hard work recognised too.
ReplyDeleteI will get organised to "pay it forward" (looking forward to yours too!) and in the meantime I think I've sorted out blogger to link back to me.
Lucky you to have finished term - we still have 9 days left.
ReplyDeleteHave fun spending your voucher.