Yesterday we had a visitor. A very special and almost timely visitor I think (sadly no red nose). There we were minding our own business when we looked out of the window to this view

Really quickly I ran downstairs to grab the camera from the kitchen. Because the kitchen is an open large windowed conservatory affair, I did my best commando manoeuvre, got down on all fours and crawled low down to the floor to get the camera bag without being seen. Phew, made it!

Gave the children instructions to keep still and quiet - there's a challenge in itself. Many, MANY snaps taken for fear the beast upped and ran off at great speed! Not a chance.

Finally we decided we needed shots of it standing up and reluctantly started to make noises. Loudly. No change. So we jumped up and down and waved our arms. Nothing!

Opened the windows and shouted. Louder. Aah, something's happening, but not at great speed! He's just staring at us, wondering what on earth we're doing, I guess.

This deer's got attitude, I'll say that for him. Let's have a quick stretch. No rush.

Munch a few trees, why not?

Time for a quick (or long) scratch.

Starting to settle in now. In fact the children have now named their "pet" deer Munch Munch.

This explains why the winter flowering Jasmine has never put in a good show! By now there's only a matter of feet between us, and an open door!

And three hours later, Munch Munch decides he's finally had enough and saunters off through a gap in the fence. Slowly.

One final look behind at the creatures in the cage!

And off he goes.

We sort of miss our dear (!) Munch Munch who we now know to be a Sika deer.
And on that note, I wish you all a truly merry Christmas and a very very Happy New Year. Thank you all for supporting me as a fledgling Blogger and I look forward to doing, and reading, many more in 2010.
Kate x
Kate, you must be in the only part of England that has no snow! Lovely photos of a lovely fellow.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas
Wow! What a surprise visitor to have at Christmas! Have a lovely time in Dorset. (We only have a very light sprinkling of snow left here in next door Somerset too.)
Christmas Eve, 11am, and we have yet ANOTHER stag taking residence in our garden. I'm wondering whether it's the reindeer dust (see 'What a Week' post) they're moving in for?
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas
Kate x
What a wonderful, magical Christmas visit! The reindeer dust is definitely working.
ReplyDeleteI love the i deer of you creeping around trying not to be seen and then him hanging around for so long!Guess his had a break before all that travelling tonight.
ReplyDeleteHave a great Christmas,
What an amazing stag, so chilled. Really lucky having him visit. I especially liked his white knickers.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas Kate
Lisa x
Those photos are amazing Kate - what a magnificent beast - he's obviously making himself at home in your garden!
ReplyDeleteJust caught up with your previous post - I love all your traditional wooden tree decorations - they are beautiful.
I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year.
Jeanne x
How brilliant!!