
a unicorn dress

The weather here at the moment is perfect, 25 degrees at 9am and just how Summer should be, so this dress couldn't be more timely. Except that it's a school day today!

The wonders of double gauze. Not only does it feel sooo good, but it is perfect for the Summer heat. This fabric is from Heather Ross's first Far Far Away collection from a couple of years back. Now, the only trouble is, the 1 1/5 yards I bought might well have been enough for a dress back in 2009 but it has proved much more of a challenge in 2011. It's that growth business again!

But that's where this sundress comes into its own. Yep, I've been shirring again! Super quick to make, this is merely a rectangle with four straps and has to be the most economical use of fabric ever. So, thankfully, the Model's request for a unicorn dress was indeed possible.

Although I used all the available length I was able to make it nice and wide, so not only is there a good amount of twirl-worthiness but over time any number of rows of shirring can be unpicked and in theory she could eventually wear it as a top. There you go, this creation will still be in her wardrobe when she's 21 ! Value for money indeed ..

Enjoy the sunshine, I'll see you soon x


  1. Lovely ...and your model looks very pretty in it too.

  2. Lovely ...and your model looks very pretty in it too.

  3. ooh you've made so many gorgeous things recently.!!! I can't decide if I like this or the stool the most...

  4. Oh what a pretty dress and perfect for the sunshine. Such a shame she had to go to school and couldn't wear it, what a spoil sport you are mum!!!
    Vivienne x

  5. It´s so pretty. It´s definitely one of my favourite summer dresses, even at 21!

  6. I love it Kate and you have reminded me to get the shirring thread out again (although we have mist again today...arghh! x

  7. I knew I had to buy double gauze as much as I could
    sadly, i didn't :D

    The unicorn fabric is so precious

  8. Ooh, it's gorgeous! If only I had a girl to sew for... Kept meaning to say, I love the steps too. I've been meaning to buy a set for when the boys 'help' with cooking. Now I definitely will, and a perfect excuse to buy oil-cloth too. Thanks for your comment over our way. I've replied in the comments there. Long may this sunshine continue, eh? Laura x

  9. Oh this is so cute! Double gauze - this is the second time this week I see lovely dresses out of gauze! I must make one for my daughter!

  10. It is very pretty and such a clever use of the fabric .Did you bother to line it or was there enough fabric that the gathers served the same purpose?

    I'm envious of your weather too. It is pleasant enough here but 25 would be perfect as long as I knew it wasn't going to get any hotter. T x

  11. Very pretty, the model and the dress! When I was a little girl my mum made us summer tops for holidays with shirring!Brings back fond memories!
    Have a great week!
    Rachel x

  12. Far, far away......!

    Such a pretty dress and I love the berry colour.

    Enjoy the heat wave,

    Nina x

  13. What a perfect dress - you are so clever. A top like that would be fabulous for a day like today.

  14. It's so pretty (and beautifully modelled)

  15. Such a pretty dress,and perfect for hot days like this! I still have the shirring dress my Mum made me when I was a baby. :0)

  16. It's wonderful, perfect for summer! I so wish I would have picked up some of this fabric when it came out!

  17. Oh that's lovely. Such a pretty frock for a Summer's day. Well done! Cx.

  18. This is gorgeous! I love the fabric so much and this simple style shows it off beautifully!

  19. Hi Kate..amazing how they grow isn't it..lol! Your girl really suits that rich colour and it looks great against the green grass too. Another beautiful finish!

  20. Really beautiful! And how wonderful to be able to make a unicorn dress - quite a magical concept!

    Pomona x

  21. Beautiful dress - this is one of my favourite girls' fabrics, especially in the purple. { I am still humming and hawing over the keds
    http://www.zazzle.ca/heather_ross_purple_unicorn_shoes-167880785948855242 ]

    This is the sort of dress that she probably doesn't want to take off. Peace, love and unicorns!

  22. A beautiful dress beautifullt modelled! The fabric is probably every little girl's dream! Vanessa xxx

  23. How I wish ... what a fairy tale of a dress. It could also become a skirt, anything to make it last forever after.

  24. That is a very very pretty dress. One of my favourite fabrics too. Lovely.


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