
crafting ikea

I felt like trying to inject some pretty into my sewing room this week so set to work on Monday with this Ikea step stool that was previously in the boy's bedroom, only now it's mine! This has to be one of my favourite Ikea pieces, along with three Molger benches, which I have covered with white linen sheets.

I applied a couple of coats of white wood stain and then covered the top step this morning with some bargain 'christobel' oilcloth that I've had for a long time and been wondering what to do with, given it was too small a piece to put on the kitchen table. I secured it on the underside with a staple gun and fortunately the cloth isn't slippery so it should work well for my purpose (touch wood!!).

Seeing this now is definitely helping to beat the bad weather blues. My goodness will this rain ever stop?

What's your favourite Ikea thing?


  1. Your little stool looks great and I love the print on the oilcloth!
    Ikea? Well I usually go with something in mind and come back with loads of pretty little things that I really don't need but love!!
    It's that last little bit of the shop where they tempt you with all these things that are hard to resist! :)
    Vivienne x

  2. That's a lovely makeover, I'm now wondering what I can paint and transform......!

  3. I think I'm with you on this - the step stools are one of my favourites too. I also love Ikea for their fabrics - mostly for making clothes actually - and they're just started stocking the cotton velvet in our local store - whe-hey!

  4. Oh my God - I was just eyeing this same step stool the other weekend but didn't buy it!
    It's gorgeous and the covering is so beautiful!!

  5. My favourite Ikea things are the names. I once bought a "snog" cushion and a bag of "skum" to eat! xxxx

  6. Ikea has never looked so good Kate! Very pretty.

    My favourite Ikea thing is the Billy bookcase in my study. It holds lots of books and files. Don't you just love Ikea names!

    Hope the sun is shining for you in South London today!


  7. Such a pretty oilcloth!
    My favourite Ikea thing has to be our great big dining table - it has masses of room for all our clutter, newspapers. homwork etc and as it was an ebay bargain, I don't mind that it gets rather badly treated!

  8. I have an old Ikea bench that my husband hates and has been pestering me to let him cut it up and use the wood elsewhere. But after seeing this I am totally transforming it like you've done. What a lovely idea. X

  9. Hi Kate..love the transformations..hope it stops raining for you before the weekend begins!

  10. You have taken the ordinary and made it rather special. It is a very pretty stool now. It is cold and dark here now so I am loving the Ikea tealight candles more than anything else.

  11. The stool looks great - and I hope the sun is shining for you as well now!

    Pomona x

  12. Would you believe I haven't ever been to an Ikea store, our closest branch is in Croydon. I must say your step-stool looks nice and sturdy, and now pretty with the covered top. x

  13. Fab stool. My new favourite toy is the Ikea kitchen planner, which is amazing. C.x


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