
a lace scarf

I don't know about where you are today but it hasn't stopped raining since the moment I got up. Definitely a day to stay in and get in some crafting, me thinks ..

Here's another courtesy of Jenny and her indispensable, and now very well thumbed, book. I don't necessarily agree with India Knight's review comment that this is "the only book about knitting you'll ever need", however it's a jolly good place to start. Naturally I shall be buying others, but I LOVE this book and can easily see myself doing many more of the projects inside.

For this I used about a skein and a third of Rowan's Cocoon in lavender ice, a pretty grey-purple shade. Once I'd finished, I blocked it on a towel overnight which really opened out the lace pattern, flattening the scarf in the process which is good, since it was curling in on itself beforehand.

It's knitted in little arrowhead lace stitch (see below), a repeat of four rows of stitches, and I was grateful for my row counter until I got to grips with the pattern, because I had to keep putting it down. Those nasty chores will get in the way. This project has been a few weeks in the making, it hasn't been easy to sit and get much done in one sitting and I blame those naughty kittens for that. I should have known what was coming when the rescue home sent us photos of them as babes, both mischievously playing with balls of wool. And then there was the ripped blanket - please don't let that be the next thing!!!

Wishing you a lovely week, whatever you may be doing x

little arrowhead lace stitch
Row 1 : P
Row 2 : sl 1, k1, *yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1; repeat from * to last st, k1
Row 3 : P
Row 4 : sl 1, k2, *yo, s2kp, yo, k3; repeat from * to end of row


  1. Beautiful..and I love the colour..I should imagine it would go with anything too.

  2. Hello kate. I love that scarf and have a shop bought one in the same colour which I also love. So tired of the4 rain now, but knitting does help me to forget it for a bit too. x

  3. I've thought about buying this book before but having seen your scarf I've just done it! Amazon one-click makes it too easy! Love the colour.

  4. Its raining here too Kate. Not a nice day at all and my OH has gone down with a very nasty cold/cough, so no doubt I will be playing nursemaid for the next few days!

    Love the scarf, pretty pattern and one of my favourite colours!


  5. It's gorgeous Kate, it looks so soft and cosy and comfortable! :)
    Don't you just hate it when life gets in the way of knitting!!!!
    Sorry about your weather, it's beautiful here. :)
    Vivienne x

  6. At 1pm here in Bedfordshire the sun has come out briefly making me think I may leave my sewing machinge and computer for a short walk. Would love to be wearing that scarf!!

  7. What a lovely scarf! It looks lovely and soft and very snuggly. Great colour too :O)

    Jo x

  8. Hi Kate,

    I recently bought Debbie Bliss book "How to knit" and want to do the projects from there. However, I am a slow knitter (more of a sewer type) and full time working mom of three children, so I would rather work on smaller projects. Would you recommend Jenny's book for someone like me? I could not preview it in Amazon.


  9. So pretty and love the color! We too have had nothing but rain for days. Kittens are a bit of mischief aren't they?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Like, definitely like! This book was being given to me at christmas, but alas, as I failed to see my family, it still awaits. I have since requested it's posted - I can't wait until the end of March. And I need some cheer from the tax return!

    You've knitted it beautifully, Kate, and cocoon is always so lovely!

    Ps: it was me who deleted above. There were errors...

  12. So pretty! How many stitches did you cast on? I have that book on my Amazon wishlist - it's about time I had a go making something other than socks! Oh, and it poured with rain here too today, so dreary.
    R x

  13. That scarf looks so cosy and just the thing for a rainy day. T x

  14. Gorgeous scarf, I absolutely love the choice of wool and colour.

  15. Such a beautiful scarf - I love the colour and the lacy pattern. I find lacy designs are better knitted when I'm alone, at least at first as I get to know it! Helen x

  16. I'm very impressed! That is beautiful knitting for a relatively new knitter, well done!
    I love that Rowan Cocoon - such wonderful colours.

  17. I love it! So cosy and pretty! When I first knit a lace pattern it seems to take ages to sink into my head! I'm knitting one at the moment woth Sublime, it's lovely to knit with but I keep putting it down to take up my crochet!
    Rachel x

  18. Gorgeous! Love everything about it, the pattern, the colour. How I wish I could knit.

  19. A gorgeous scarf and looks so soft too.We all got soaked here as well!
    Luckily it's getting drier..but colder,so you'll need your lovely scarf. :0)

  20. What a beautiful scarf! The Rowan Cocoon yarn really suits this pattern repeat doesn't it? It shimmers and looks so soft. I've got a couple of balls of Cocoon yarn which I bought a while ago, and then never got round to using them. I'm very tempted to knit a scarf like yours with it now, it's such a beauty! Love Vanessa xxx

  21. It's beautiful! I just started knitting this, hopefully mine will look as lovely as yours does :)


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