
morning has broken

Like the first morning! With the latest downpour behind me and the children safely ensconced in their schools, I decided to take an impromptu stroll in one of our local parks this morning on the way home.

Although there was the constant threat of yet another shower, I did manage to appreciate the beauty, and the wonderful peace - hardly any other people, just a few dog walkers and the occasional jogger. Perish the thought, where's my cuppa?

I wonder what you're doing? Whatever it is, enjoy your day.


  1. That is a gorgeous park Kate, how luck you are to enjoy all this nature close to home, and in London too! I lived in London until ten years ago and lived quite near Crystal Palace which was nice for a walk.
    I'm busy typing for work but just cannot resist blogging for just a few minutes, here and there!

    Enjoy the rest of your day. Jeanne x

  2. I am grabing a quiet few minutes before the evening onslought. Lovely pictures x

  3. Beautiful, beautiful pictures and with the kiddies now successfully in bed it is now my time to.......breath!!

    Have a lovely evening,

    Nina x

  4. There is an award for you over at mine, Kate. I hope you will accept it!

    Jeanne x

  5. This is my first visit to your Blog. Beautiful. Just beautiful.


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