
cold ...

Be gone this cold weather.

There's a limit to how many clothes one can wear at any given time before being unable to move and despite the fact that the heating is on here, I just cannot get warm today.

There's only one thing for it - the power of imagination, mind games, brain trickery. I'm going to warm myself up by looking at some photographs. Photographs taken when I know it wasn't as cold as this but they were still taken in Autumn. At Half Term. Two weeks ago. No less!

Aaaah, that's better! Tell me, how do you warm up?

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Hot chocolate and an open fire.

    Have a lovely weekend,

    Nina xxxxxx

  2. Great pictures Kate, who would have thought they were from just two weeks ago!
    The weather here is dismal again today - we didn't even feel like donning our waterproofs and going for a walk which isn't like us at all.
    Just settling down for a cosy evening - Merlin and Strictly on the TV and a nice home-made curry.

    Have a great weekend too. Jeanne x


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