
familiar sewing

I don't quite know where my sewing mojo has been hiding these past few months. But what I do know is that the months of sewing machine hibernation have fuelled a passion for knitting so strong that it's been difficult combining the two. In the 'olden' days I could have had this dress made in a couple of days but this time I think it may have taken me, oh .. let's see, well over a month to complete. Your eagle eyes may perhaps remember this pattern in a variety of incarnations from here, here and yes, even here and I'm guessing I don't need to say how much I love this one. The Merchant and Mills dress shirt most surely is a winner. I delved into one of many fabric boxes that currently clutter up the house, to retrieve one of my favourite linens, one I used for my Iona dress, which shipped out to Italy last summer. It's a tricky one to capture, this fabric, but I love these earthy plum and sand tones that just happen to blend so well with one of my yarny works in progress!

The bib section of this pattern comes in two equal parts which are sewn together down the front. However I cut this section out on the fold, allowing an extra 1.5cm either side so I had one bib piece only and it would still marry up once I came to stitch. With horizontal stripes I didn't really see the need to cut them up and this method works so well. Aside from the bib, the only other change I made was to dispense of the traditional dress shirt style hem, in favour of a straight hem so I guess you could say this version is more dress than shirt.

Now then, what else to tell .. the season is romping away, honeysuckle is the latest flower to brighten the garden and unbelievably the children finish school for the Summer in less than three weeks. It's crazy to think we have been here for six and a half months now, can you believe it? This house has been good to us but it's time to move on once again soon. Time to think about retrieving our belongings. Time for a holiday, or two, first. Which reminds me, does anyone know the rules on taking knitting needles in the air and does it matter whether they're straight or circular, wood or metal? I'd love to know.

Thank you for all your kind comments on the Model's rainbow cardigan, we both loved reading them. And a big hello to those lovely new faces who pop by to investigate my little space here. You are all so very welcome!


  1. It has been a while since we have seen some sewing on your blog but it's as good as ever. It's funny how we shift crafts, I used to do nothing but knit but now it's more crochet.
    Good luck with the move, sounds like Canadian school holidays are like ours here!
    V xxx

  2. how did i ever miss these shirtdress posts? i love them in all their variations. perfect with linen.

    ive made it from AK to the lower 48 with several knitting projects. here are the US TSA guidelines (if youre travelling within the US) which have no limitations on knitting needles.

  3. Your dress is beautiful and I've just followed the link to Merchant and Mills - what a treat that is! I love the idea of a card pattern that you DON'T HAVE TO PIN OUT (surely the worst chore!) Thanks for the tip x Jane

  4. Kate is there such a thing as tunic envy? Well, if so lets just say i am suffering from it...big time! That M and M pattern WILL be mine next pay day as i don't think I can be cured of my envy illness until i eventually own such a beauty :o) In case you haven't guessed I adore/love/covet your tunic dress and the fabrics and colours you choose leave me totally inspired. The only niggly thing at the back of my head is will I look like I am wearing a big tent? Unfortunately I am not as lovely and slim as you are. Do you mind me asking what size you have made so i can get a bit of an idea what I might be aiming for? I'll check on the M and M site about sizing too, I'm thinking a lovely draping soft linen for this x Gorgeous yarn too, look forward to seeing what you are making xox Penny

  5. That looks so lovely and comfortable for summer!!

  6. Such lovely photos. I love the tunic dress just my style, a very versatile piece lovely work x

  7. I just love the color of the purple wool! Wow. I want to knit a Pop Spots (?) shawl while we are in Scotland this fall and am thinking of heathery colors for it. It is so hard to choose.....

  8. You always have such an inviting space in blogland.
    Beautiful dress, had to giggle with sewing and knitting competing for your attention as you are a master at both. Can't wait to see where your holidays take you, hurray for summer and school breaks.

  9. what a perfect dress!!! I wish my sewing machine knew how to sew better (hee, hee--user problem, really!); i'll drift for the yarn every time!

  10. This miserable weather in the Uk (you've moved, have been so out of blogland will have a catch up read!) is perfect for knitting xx

  11. Love the colour Kate! I haven't touched my sewing in a while. The table had to move into another room and I feel a little displaced using the sewing machine in it's new room. I have been knitting again...I'm getting a bit bored with the things I've done before though..time to find a new pattern.

  12. That's an interesting and very adaptable pattern. Your fabric choice, adaptation and very expert sewing has created a chic and charming summer dress. Isn't linen wonderful!

    May I add that the knitting looks rather good, too. On my last air travel, knitting needles were definitely not allowed. Sad, because I've knitted many a stitch in the air above the broad Atlantic Ocean.

    Have a great holiday.

  13. It's a gorgeous dress. I have a Merchant and Mills pattern which I treated myself too last year and haven't used yet as I haven't been able to find any nice fabric. You've inspired me to search again, thank you! The linen you've used is gorgeous too!

  14. Every time I see one of your Merchant and Mills dresses I get the wanties! It looks like the perfect summer frock, with a little knitted something to drape over one's shoulders on chilly evenings perhaps :)

  15. it's gorgeous!!!

    I have the pattern for the trapeze dress but I'm scared to try it... have you ever done it?

  16. You dress looks beautiful - I've just checked out the website for the pattern maker and they look very interesting - thanks for the link. Not sure how that sort of style would look on the 'curvier' figure but it certainly suits you. I can't believe knitting needles are not allowed on planes but then I haven't flown for some time- I suppose the best think to do is phone up the airline directly and check with them. Enjoying your blog, Judy.

  17. Dreamy peaceful photographs...

  18. Beautiful dress. The fabric is stunning. And wouldn't you know the dress and the knitting look like they belong together. :)

  19. Sigh... this is one of the prettiest posts I've seen in a while. That fabric/pattern and that yarn!!!! I'm swooning.

  20. Big sigh - I love your dress and the fabric is gorgeous. I can't remember the last time I approached my sewing machine - it's been hidden under a pile of stuff for ages. Here's hoping it's not just to sew school labels on (come September) and I actually have a go at making something.

    Nina x

  21. The colours are just beautiful!

  22. your pictures is so so so beautiful !


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