

I think this may be my last Winter hat. Did you notice the way I put 'Winter' in there .. you see I know I promised I was done but there's yet one more I've got my beady eyes on and I wouldn't mind having a stab at it. For the Spring, you understand!

Well, this is Jul, another Jenny Gordy pattern. Like all her others, it is simple, well written and therefore, yep .. quick to do. Love that! I used Aslan Trends llama and silk, which is sensational, like something Rapunzel might have spun. As well as feeling so wonderful, it is easy to knit with too since its smooth texture flew off my needles quite beautifully. Usually when yarn flies off my needles it is accompanied with some rather unsavoury cursing and a swift crochet hook but this was quite a different experience. Even the Model grabbed it, rubbed it against her delicate face with glee and had a look about her that said 'want, want'. May have to hide this one ..

My husband took the photos at the Reifel bird reserve which is a great little place for many reasons. Of course, it's a peaceful and beautiful environment but it's filled with ducks who, once the children have finished feeding, will happily do the walk with you. So cute. We went at the weekend on a promise of seeing some owls and it just so happens the Model is crazy about owls. We weren't disappointed. There were a couple of species to see who, although wild, are pretty much resident at Reifel, but the one that stole our hearts was a Great Horned Owl. There he was, snuggled up in the trees right above us looking a little sleepy but adorable nonetheless. I say adorable, but this owl is big. Naturally he wasn't getting much rest with us standing gawping at him but he did seem to appreciate the Model singing to him and posed for photos quite considerately.

I hope you're having a good week, the weather is certainly changeable here but we're promised more sunshine by the weekend. How about you?


  1. Oh my goodness that owl is amazing, how privileged you were to see him in his own environment . I would have loved to go walking with the ducks too! :)
    Yet another brilliant hat Kate, they have definitely become your 'thing'!
    V xxx

  2. Both are brilliant Kate, the owl and the hat. Your camera has captured all those fine feathers and his magnificent colouring beautifully. I can see the softness of your new beanie too, if it is going to be cold why not have a fine collection of warm hats. I hope your day is fine too.

  3. It looks very soft and lovely indeed. No spring here yet - it's getting colder if anything. Bored with it now.

  4. Ooh, been loving all your hats! And how wonderful to see the owls up close!

  5. I like this hat a lot and that photo of the owl is beautiful! X

  6. I love your hat in that soft grey but I think I like the owl even more. How considerate of him to stay so still. Are your sweater and scarf hand knits too? T x

  7. i love owls~
    and your hat is so pretty! great color :)
    happy spring!!

  8. Beautiful hat, just about to cast on (again) a hat for my son, only this time I have to stop frogging after a few rows! I have to get on as he needs it for Iceland in 10 days time - better get on!

  9. Come on spring! - lovely hat and lovely colours, i am partial to a bit of grey, it goes so well with other colours. - Annie

  10. Found your post via Andi of My Sister's Knitter...
    I love a good beanie. I don't believe I've ever tried llama and silk before. I can see why it's coveted. How cool to be near a bird reserve. Owls are so grand and fun to walk with ducks.

  11. Lovely hat, Kate...love the soft grey colour! We all need woolly hats here this week too!
    Beautiful bird reserve, we would enjoy visiting there....the owls are amazing.
    Helen x

  12. Ooh, I shall be knitting this one, lovely! Great knit Kate :)

    Pleas tell The Model I'm rather taken with owls too :)

  13. I love your hat! It's beautiful.
    M xxx

  14. i've had my eye on this pattern. so cute! but i'm a bit of a dud when it comes to knitting ...

    rachel ox

  15. You've been so busy with your hats! This one is my favourite I think. Love the subtle texture


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