

I awoke rather too early the other day and suddenly felt a little homesick. These past few weeks have felt like one long holiday and I think it's possible that ever so slowly the realisation of what we have done may be setting in. It's to be expected that settling down, making friends and forming a new life will take time, I do know that. But I guess we've been so busy telling this to the children that it hadn't occurred to us we may feel the same.

Onwards and upwards, though, I made a friend this week. I met up with Krista from Poppyprint, you may know her through her passion for quilting. We met up in a fabric shop and then had lunch, a good chat and made plans to meet up again. She is so much fun!

My latest knitting project has been less than successful. I hate to admit it but after burning the midnight hour on one too many occasions I finally called it a day with my 'quick' cowl. After several attempts to get it sorted at the LYS, I never seemed to get it back on track and it seems lace patterns and I have a way to go, which is a shame as I also have this one on the go. Aside from the sheer frustration, I also decided that my yarn was not the greatest of choices anyway, the constant unknitting was making it extremely fuzzy and then once I started unravelling, it quickly became a tangled mass of fibres. I'm not going to let it beat me though, I'm changing that yarn and starting again, so watch this space!

We've been making great use out of our local library and are complete converts now. The crafting selection is second to none, although I think I may have cleaned them out of the best stuff for the time being! I also hired The Little House on the Prairie on DVD. Did you love those books when you were smaller? The Model is currently reading them at bedtime and I was more than keen to get watching those sweet little programmes all over again, snuggled together under a blanket on the sofa. The moment that play button was clicked it all came flooding back and I could remember everything as though it was yesterday. The Waltons up next and then I shall be really happy.

Happy weekend.


  1. We have gone through all the LHP on DVD and starting again, they are our favourites. We also enjoy the Waltons, but it is difficult to find (not at our library :( and the complete season for purchase is too dear, my daughters pine for it though. I am sorry you are feeling homesick, you have made such a life change, I hope that the homesickness passes soon my friend.

  2. I hope the homesickness leaves soon, any big change is bound to have its down moments before the ups finally take control. Lace knitting is a challenge but if I can master it then you will too. Enjoy those DVDs

  3. Hope that home sickness passes soon Kate.
    For a moment there I thought the cats had done the frogging, I'm thinking badly of cats today due to a blackbird incident, I'm so cross with them!!
    Anyhow I'm sure you'll master that lace knitting.
    Take care, have a lovely weekend and goodnight John Boy! ;)
    V xxx

  4. First of all, total bummer about your cowl. It was looking lovely so I'm looking forward to seeing version 2.0 when you start it up again. And second, I'm sorry you're feeling homesick. I'm sure the gloomy weather hasn't been helping (although today was lovely, wasn't it?) If you are ever in need of another fabric shopping buddy, just give me a shout. Seriously. I welcome any excuse to get out to look at pretty fabrics and indulge in crafty-chat :)Wishing you a happy weekend!

  5. Oh I hope that you continue to meet new friends and that the homesickness will gradually wear away. No doubt you will always feel just a tinge of it, but that is normal. you certainly have everything going against you with it now being late January and the middle of winter!!! However, knitting and good books are a wonderful anecdote! The Little House books are so wonderful!

  6. I don't usually leave comments, although I follow a lot of blogs, but I was inspired to do so here ... and have been since I learned that you moved such a great distance. Quite apart from knowing *exactly what you're feeling* (having moved from the UK almost 10 years ago to a not terribly appealing part of southern Ontario), I had a stream of memories waft back with the Waltons' theme you attached. That and Little House. Wow. What an eternity ago those shows were, eh? Anyhow, I wish you and your family all the best in your acclimatization ... and to enjoy all that BC has to offer. (I was there once, but over 30 years ago ...)

  7. Sweetest kitties!! Hope your homesickness leaves very soon as you start to settle in more. I loved Little House and The Waltons were fun to watch, too!! Have a wonderful weekend! xo Heather

  8. As an experienced expat, I understand the funk you are in. Just ride the wave, the frustration will pass at some point. Take care of yourself and your family and try to reduce the amount of daily challenges for a bit until you feel stronger...

  9. I hope you're feeling more yourself soon Kate, I know how you feel, it hit us like that a few months after we moved to Boston. I too found the library a huge source of comfort. Enjoy those dvd's, we had the boxset last Christmas, hours of fun x

  10. We only move from London to Kent but I felt very much the same. Give yourself time it will be fine. Think about those who didn't take the opportunity like you and regretted it later. Best wishes.

  11. Just remember to be kind to yourself and patient. You will undoubtedly drift in and out of that feeling for some time to come. It is a big move for everyone. You can think of yourself as an adventurer, discovering new lands! So impressed that you have already met up with a fellow creative, good for you!

    Libraries are one of my favorite places, so glad you have a good one. I also know you will conquer that cowl, or something even better!

    I am quite proud of you, all you have been through and all you have achieved! Big hugs!

  12. Oh and P.S. I love the Little House books! Going to give the set to my girl for her next birthday! So looking forward to reading them with her.

  13. Its so normal to feel that pang of homesickness Kate, I live with it everyday but have learnt to compartmentalise it so it doesn't hound me. Time of course is the healer here. It does help to make a friend and especially one who is of a cheery disposition :o)
    I felt your frustration with your cowl and that feeling when your yarn fuzzes after multiple frogging! You will conquer it, of this I am sure.
    I adored Little House on the Prairie and the Waltons were a family favourite. Goodnight John boy...who could forget :o)
    Big hugs of happy creative times to you xox Penelope

  14. I think it would be very unusual if you didn't feel a few pangs Kate. It takes time to settle in a new home, but it sounds as if you beginning to build up a stock of good experiences to remember and reminisce about, they'll help you build your new foundations.
    Loved The Little House on the Prairie books long before the TV programme. My sister and I would pretend our beds were covered wagons and we would range across our bedroom prairie.

  15. I'm sorry you have felt homesick, it's normal to have wobbly days, don't worry! I loved those programmes too, my favourites! :) x

  16. Oh, having made the move to France, I feel for you, but as I'm sure you'll agree, the best is yet to come! Admitting to homesickness and taking steps to deal with it are the key - I think I was in denial for a while which wasn't helpful. Do you know, I loved the Little House books so much that I was never prepared to watch the TV programme! The bits I caught up with didn't seem true to the books - but did I miss out on something? And now you're in Canada (admittedly not the right part), how about Anne of Green Gables?

  17. Lace almost made me lose it the first (and only time so far that I tried it, there was a lot of swearing and a lot of unknitting. I made it in the end and was super pleased with the result. Good luck! - Annie

  18. Little house on the Prairie is not going to cheer you up - my dad used to call it "The weekly weep" when my sis and I was young!! But the Waltons!! I loved John Boy! xxxxxx

  19. I am sure it is normal to feel a bit homesick from time to time when you have made such a huge life change. But it's lovely that you are making friends and beginning to put down roots. I am not fond of lace knitting either and have before now given up on a tangly heap of lace knitting-gone-wrong! My girls and I used to love Little House on the Prairie and I re read some of the books as an adult too :)
    Hope you have a lovely week ahead, Kate.
    Helen x

  20. I guess the homesickness will always be there in some way Kate but I am still sorry to hear of it. I can completely relate to your lace knitting frustrations. I'm still not sure I have it worked out. Best wishes. T x

  21. PS I'd been wondering if the cats relocated too. It is nice to see them there!

  22. It was sounding like a long holiday but you may find living there is like that. It takes time to meet people and make friends but getting involved with your children's schools should help you quickly fit in. I don't think you can expect not to miss home. Let's just hope your new life is so good you don't miss the old too much ,, and perhaps your friends from home will come to visit ???

  23. Oh I LOVED little house on the praire, and the waltons and Anne of Green Gables and Little Women!! Totally loved all that Americana when I was a kid!

    Sorry to hear of your homesickness, just shows you had good stuff here to miss I guess, which has something positive in it? Tough though, I really feel for you.

    The patience of knitters is a wonder, I dare not go there for fear of throwing needles around in frustration! xx

  24. There is nothing like watching cozy pioneer shows to soothe the soul. Moving is tough. Moving to another country, even harder! Take the time you need to adjust, and don't worry if it seems to take longer than you think it should. As mums we put on a brave face for the sake of our family, but it's okay to have a good cry and say "I'm having a tough time too". You are doing the right thing by connecting with your local yarn shop. That is a good place to meet like minded friends:)

  25. Oh i so loved 'the little house on the prarie' which one were you i was always Laura of course!
    bestest Daisy
    Ps don't be homesick! the grass is always greener you know?

  26. Lovely cats - and so sweet of them to try and fix the cowl! I loved the 'Little house' books as a child, and my eldest borrowed the dvd from her friend the other day, very nostalgic!

    I hope the homesickness soon passes.

  27. I loved seeing YOUR kitties looking all safe and sound Kate! Cats are quite good at settling in and finding a common ground with each other...( Black and white one a little like my Pedro)~ Ooh I loved the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. Brought up on those and the series too! Life is full of exciting adventures and you will remember home for always.....~ It too will pass, That home sick feeling...Love Maria x

  28. The Walton's! Golly that takes me back. I imagine life in a new country must be a complete mix of excitement, curiosity, hope and terror! But before you know it it will be home, I'm sure :D

    Don't despair of lace Kate, some pattern/yarn/knitter combos just aren't meant to be, but lace is easy, honest, you just need to learn to 'read' it. I wonder if I should put together a 'don't be afraid of lace' post for knitsofacto, you're not the first person I've come across lately feeling a bit nonplussed by it.

    Thank you for the get well wishes, and the hug :D

  29. I'm with you on several fronts here, Kate! I totally understand that homesick feeling, which then passes and leaves you with a quiet thrill of 'wow, I've moved and am making a new life for myself'! I smiled when I saw your frogged cowl because, having nonchantly told Héloïse I would rustle up the very same cowl, I gave up after four attempts! weird. Lace knitting is not difficult but one does need to keep alert as it is all too easy to slip up. I think in my case it was the combination of lace knitting and in-the-round knitting that triumphed over my still fairly limited skills.

    Please keep posting about all this newness. The months will slip away into spring and then summer and you will feel more settled.

    Hugs from France.


  30. Looking at your pictures the place you have moved to is breathtaking so I can understand it feeling like a holiday at first. How wonderful though that you have found a like minded friend already - I'm sure she will be the first of many and make your transition a little easier x

  31. Hello Kate,
    Sorry to hear you've been feeling a touch homesick. It's a big adjustment, and I think a rollercoaster of feelings is entirely normal. It'll take time!

    As does getting the hang of lace, but it's worth it, so try, try, and try again! Thanks for email...will reply v soon. Freedom now unleashed as tax return has been filed!!
    Diana xx

    Ps the kitties look settled in!

  32. I've just made a mess with an apparently easy knitted sweater, too! And I often blame the wool, myself! ;-)


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