
half a term

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your lovely comments on my jumper. I am wearing it right now and it is helping to keep me warm and snug on this very cold day.

I can't believe that's half a term over already, how the time flies by. We've just had a wonderful break down in Dorset. Did you see the new header at the top of all those photographs? That one was taken on a particularly blustery day, during a long and exhilarating walk at Shell Bay down by the Sandbanks chain ferry. I could never tire of the views along that beach and actually much prefer it out of season, when the place is pretty much all yours for the taking and you can walk on perfect sand for miles.

What did we do? Well, a walk every single day for a start. One day hiking across rolling green hills, another spent tramping through forest land filled with crisp, ochre leaves and the distant call of the tail end of deer rutting season. We savoured the heath land with its large stretches of heather and gorse and fabulous vistas across ever changing seas towards Poole, Bournemouth, the Isle of Wight. And then, of course, there were many hours spent on those beautiful, golden sands.

When I mull over what it is that defines a quintessentially English county, I immediately think of Dorset .. and then perhaps Suffolk. I expect the Brits amongst you may have your own ideas but it's Dorset that I know and love so well. With its thatched cottages and endless patchwork fields, the dramatic coastline and picture postcard villages, it never ever fails to provide the perfect antidote to the fast lane that is London. Arriving down there, often well into the evening, we warm up the house before getting to bed and by the next morning, we are relaxed and ready to step outside, straight into wind-down mode. I feel refreshed from those healthy days and ready for action once again .. only it's a very different type of action now.

We sold our house during the holidays. We'll be leaving London soon, and Dorset too, for that matter, as a new adventure lies in wait for us. I'll tell you a bit more another day .. I just need to take it all in myself first!

Wishing you a happy, sunny week.


  1. Stunning photos - you're right all these places are just as lovely out of season :)

    We love it when we get Suffolk back from all the visitors - don't mind the lovely ones - just some are designed to annoy!!

    Look forward to hearing where you're heading next - am guessing out of the UK?

  2. Fabulous photos and I did recognise where you were before I got to the end!! Lovely part of the world and I thank my lucky stars every day that I live on the Dorset/Somerset border with all that wonderful countryside within easy distance (even on the bus!) I am so excited to hear about your forthcoming move and wonder where you are off to. Foreign climes or somewhere else in the UK I wonder?

  3. Beautiful images of your relaxing break, just look at those amazing skies! You certainly had it all on your half term hols. :)

    You have me very curious now Kate!!! Don't be away too long, I'm dying to know what you're up too!

    Vivienne x

  4. Lovely photos and exciting news coming? Can't wait to hear!!

  5. Wow, what bombshell you've dropped now...into our curious minds! The photos of windswept beaches, deer tails and bowing grasses are wonderful. All the very best for your new move.

  6. We spent half term in Poole, we went across on the chain ferry on Thursday - I wonder if we crossed? It was beautiful if absolutely freezing, I do love it there. We also went to Brownsea Island (despite living so close to it all my life this is only the second time I have been) and it was absolutely beautiful, I want to live there with the red squirrels. I hope my sales pitch for Brighton worked :)

  7. Wow! Such big changes for you and your family. I can't wait to hear more details. You seem to be taking everything in stride. The snaps of your half term holiday are beautiful, I love a coast line off season. It looks like weather was superb, sunlight! We had several dark rainy windy days due to Sandy. My thoughts are with you as embark on this exciting adventure.

  8. Ooh how exciting, new horizons for you all dear friend!
    brrr looks beautiful, wild and cobweb blowing on your lovely photographs, Kate, perfect for walks to think and dream.
    love Maria x

  9. What exciting news and gorgeous pictures...could you be going a lot further afield (like across the pond) - I'm wondering...hmmmmmm.

    Nina x

  10. I love Dorset too and certainly hope to spend some more time there in the future. Can't beat Suffolk, though!
    I'm intrigued by your news....

  11. oh such loveliness, and I can't wait to hear your news xxx

  12. Wow that looks lovely. I love Dorset - we go at least a couple of times a year to visit our wonderful Bere Regis friends. I love a cliff top walk especially.
    Am very excited to hear your news - it sounds like you are moving far and am wondering about Canada, but am probably way off! Exciting times...x

  13. Lovely photos, and it sounds like some very exciting news coming up!

  14. Lovely photographs... glimpses of our summer holiday spent at the most dreamy campsite in Dorset. When we were deciding where on earth to move to that would take us back to be nearer the coast we settled on either Dorset or Suffolk...

  15. Where next? We'll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile a beautiful set of photographs for us to enjoy.

  16. Somerset and Suffolk and Shropshire for me, but I do know what you mean about the counties that are so very English. I do hope that wherever is next is equally beautiful x

  17. I love Poole Harbour and Sandbanks - what lovely photo's. So where are you off to? xxxx


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