
brit mitts

What are you up to today I wonder? Now that I've posted this I shall be getting on with sifting through all the 'stuff' we've managed to accumulate over the years. The time has come to get ever more brutal over what we really do need to take on to our next home. Today's task is my sewing room .. help, where do I start? All I know is I wish you were here because there is a lot of 'stuff' that needs to go. Our completion date is becoming ever closer and to be honest, stress levels are beginning to creep up now, despite telling myself to be calm and that everything is going be rosy and wonderful. harmony and rosie has now shut all doors for the next few months, I know not how many. Parties are in organisational stage, light fittings currently sit on the kitchen table, garden pots are cleaned and ready to be scrubbed, charity bags burst at the seams. The list goes on ..

Something that is helping me greatly with adjusting to our move is knitting. Whenever I feel as though I'm sinking in the enormity of it all, I retreat to my room and pick up the needles.

These mitts were a really quick knit. They would have been even quicker had the pattern been correct, though, and nothing gets me more grumpy than that sort of nonsense! They are very pleasing all the same, but I may gift them to someone, my mind has yet to be made up. Anyway, they come courtesy of this stylish book by Erika Knight (and free from here). The book is so beautifully photographed, one of those that I'd be quite happy making any of the projects .. if the patterns were correct! I used Rowan Purelife British Sheep Breeds DK, which is beautiful too. It is soft and squishy and a definite joy to knit with .. smells good as well, always a bonus! More details are on my Ravelry page.

Have a lovely day, everyone. It's turning into a good one here today!


  1. Seems you are taking this upheaval in your stride and getting on with the adventure BUT where are you moving to? Have I somehow missed the bit where you told us?
    Moving is a very stressful thing to do. I'm personally not good with change so I don't envy you the process. How do the children feel?
    Thinking of you

  2. Good old knitting always there in a crisis!! :) I love all Erika Knight's books, the photography is always beautiful. Your mitts look great and the yarn is lovely
    It's raining here I'm afraid! :(
    Vivienne x

  3. Like Helsie I thought I'd missed a post and am really curious to know where you are all off to! My sympathies are with you during this stressful time - it doesn't seem to matter how much you decide to get rid of there is always too much once you reach the other end and/or you have got rid of something which you now consider essential. As long as you have your knitting and the tea things you will be fine though I'm sure! Best wishes in your new life wherever it is to be.

  4. I empathise completely. Moving is stressful but it is very much a case of onwards and upwards. You are moving on to something better. As Helsie wrote above; where are you moving to? Will the children be staying in the same school? If not I would just like to add that, although I always dreaded moving my children out of their schools they ended up being perfectly happy in their new schools.

    I smiled at your grumble about incorrect patterns. I've just battled my way through a faulty pattern this morning and I am left wondering whether I should politely complain to the pattern writer or not...

    Good luck and keep knitting.


  5. good luck with your move-i know how it can be stressful!

    beautiful mittens :)they look so cozy!!

  6. Life is an adventure Kate and I sincerely wish you a 'Happy move'!
    I imagine you must do all your thinking whist knitting, those mitts are gorgeous too.Sending you the bestest wishes***
    love Maria x

  7. Moving house is one of the most stressful things to do, I'm glad you have your knitting to fall back on! Happy sorting!!! :)

  8. oh lovely! bah humbug to the errors in the pattern though, I find knitting hard enough as it is, without mistakes to contend with.....

  9. What Tess said! Honestly, there's no excuse for pattern errors beyond the odd typo that inevitably creeps in.

    This move is sounding imminent ... good luck :D

  10. I love Sheeps Breed wool, it has an unique scent don't you think?

  11. Beautiful gloves Kate,I always find my hook or needles and yarn so comforting when anything stressy is happening.Hang in there, I can well appreciate how stressful moving is.Are you still staying in London?
    I have used the all about you website for patterns before, always lovely to access a free pattern or two, shame about the errors though ! Take care xox Penelope

  12. I'm knitting my second pair of those. What went wrong with the pattern? I haven't noticed! Good luck with your packing, such a pain x

  13. You do sound a little like me, we are moving in a week and a half, and we have so much stuff, most of it being mine, I know I should be sorting and throwing things out, but everything I see I want to keep! I don't dare let my husband near the packing otherwise he'd be ruthless! It is a total relief to sit with knitting or crochet in the evening, I can't really do too much with the kids in bed anyway!

    Best of luck with your packing, I'm betting mine is more chaotic than yours!

  14. I saw these posted on your FB page on my morning commute and thinking about how perfect they would be for a Canadian late fall. Beautiful work!

  15. Knitting is so very good for ones pre-moving sanity! Happy de-cluttering as you get ready for your move. A fresh start is always exciting!

  16. Your holiday week looks beautiful!!!! Such lovely countryside. I'll be interested to hear about your moving adventures! The mitts are wonderful!

  17. Hi Kate..they are beautifully long mitts..lovely for that gap that often happens between sleeves and gloves. Wishing you all the best for that huge task of sorting, giving and keeping to pack! I hope this week brings you joy.

  18. Enjoy your time...it is a busy time...moving and holidays. Love your mitts. Take care.

  19. Your mitts are very beautiful ! I love your grey !

  20. Your mitts are very beautiful ! I love your grey !


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