
old habits

Oh dear, I'd rather got out of the habit of blogging, finding just about enough time to tinker with my new facebook page, posting a photo and a word or two. Please come and visit by the way, you'd be ever so welcome 'cos it's a bit of a lonely place over there at the moment!

We've had a cracking Summer, packed in loads of stuff .. bit of this, a bit of that. We visited Italy and Cornwall. Saw some of the Olympics. Stayed with friends. A spot of camping. Days out. The children did kayaking and cycling courses. We marvelled at the Paralymics. Those long weeks went by in a heartbeat really.

But now the children are back to school proper and I feel it's time to get back into the saddle, so to speak. My little sewing room is still there, albeit in urgent need of an occupying presence to breathe some life and vitality into it once more. I'm now replenishing the shop, refilling the virtual shelves where they've emptied during the summer months. I want to dream up some new vintage goodness, cut into more fabric and sift through the lace, I'm getting braver and less possessive of it now. I'm thinking of making a bit of jewellery, something I've not done in way too long, tut tut.. But I also need to run up a few dresses and a top or two for the Model because she and big bro have shot up during the school break. Shot up like glorious sunflowers .. and those wretched weeds in our garden that lapped up the never ending rain and then stuck out their tongues in defiance.

And I desperately want to finish the project I started up in the Italian hills all those weeks ago. Do you know my gauge tightened the moment I came back to London? I can see a line across the knitting where it happened. I can tell the precise row that the holiday ended and for that reason I decided not to unravel, take stock of it and start again. It'll be my little reminder of what a great vacation that was. Besides it's on the back of the jumper and I can't be bothered ;)

Hmm, that's quite a To Do list isn't it? So now you tell me, what are you planning to achieve this new season. Do you have any goals? I'd love to know if you do.


  1. Hello Lovely Kate,
    I was just a bout to leave a message on your earlier post, then this new post popped up!!!
    Beautiful, peaceful pictures (just felt like stepping into them) hehe..
    Kate, I wanted to thank you for such kind comments and best wishes for Dean, they really meant alot!!
    We have had a real roller coaster of a time and I can't wait to have Dean visit this week for a couple of days, soo I can have him to my self really!!
    Autumn make me a little 'sad', if I am honest......
    Any ways it is back to work for me today, so back to reality!! Which is nice....
    Once again thank you and good luck with all your projects!!
    LoVe Maria x

  2. I have too many goals. None of them really worthy.

  3. I am ploughing through a to-do lists at the moment - in daily chunks - some nice and some housework!!

    Summer went too quickly.

  4. Welcome back Kate, such lovely photos. I will definitely visit your new Facebook page. I also have lots of lists and grand ambitions, we shall see... I hope the transition back to school is going well for your family.

  5. Goals? How about making it to the end of the year? I know all about dusty sewing rooms, though, so perhaps that can be my goal too. As for your knitting, my mother taught me many years ago that if knitting, especially stocking stitch, is left untouched for any length of time, it is best to unpick a row or two before resuming otherwise there will always be a noticeable mark. I hope that makes you feel you don't have to undo all your hard work - just a row or two! T x

  6. My main goal is to be more organised (yeah, right!) and I am slowly going through all the wardrobes, cupboards and under the bed to drag out any stuff that's been lingering far too long and take it to the charity shop. I think I have taken about 10 carrier bags full of stuff over the past few weeks so things are getting done, slowly but surely. I will have tidy cupboards and an easy to clean house by Xmas, I promise! Oh, and I am going to try my very hardest to stay sane whilst the bathroom fitters are in doing our bathroom and cloakroom. Wish me luck. xx

  7. Well that just goes to prove that knitting should be done in a Meditteranean climate, I always knew that, now it's a proven theory! ;)
    At the minute it's all about my daughters wedding next year, so much planning and doing!!! Arghhhh!!!I think I need to go knitting in the Med!!
    Vivienne x

  8. I have found my way into my sewing room these past few days, once I'd moved all the stuff that had migrated in there over the summer, it was lovely to start thinking of all the things to make, but first I am making something for Me!

  9. Welcome back, this month certainly has it's first share of to do's but I love the welcoming in of this new term season, after a long summer rest! D xxx

  10. Oh I am going to do the world and all. I have discovered gardening, so I have been going at it like a thing possessed for the last week. I am knitting again for the first time in months. Ditto blogging. Oh and I keep finding cakes I want to bake, perhaps in an effort to conjure up Paul Hollywood in my kitchen. But loitering behind all that dallying is the increasingly urgent need to find a job. Ho hum. C.x

  11. Hi, I love your blog, Italy looks wonderful, my friend has just got back and is raving about it! At the moment I'm obsessed with hexies, then there's the printers trays I'm trying to finish, the rag doll I'm desperate to make, iPad covers for presents....the list goes on! My dreams are full of vintage sheets and wallpapers, ideas swirling around in my head! Phew! Have a great week, hope you make a dint in that list!!! Ada :)

  12. Hi Kate..nice to see you again around here! I'm looking forward to seeing all your new creations and hearing about that great list being slowly ticked off. I am into market bags at the moment and am furnishing my family with them..females anyway..one by one..some for Christmas I think.


There's nothing like a comment to stop me feeling like I'm talking to myself. If you leave one here I'll pop one back here too, so don't forget to come back and continue the conversation ..