
long haul

Have I mentioned that the husband travels a lot on business? Because he visits a variety of far flung places it means he can be away for a couple of weeks at a time, which is quite tough on the kids (me too, actually).

Anyway, about three weeks ago he had to go out to Nairobi. Then to Miami. Then to Houston. So when he suggested the children and I joined him in our favourite city, we leapt up very high at the chance. It was an extremely long journey which involved a lengthy stop over. But once there, it was all most definitely worth it and quickly forgotten because we visited a city where you can spend the morning up in the snowy mountains

afternoon, cycling to the beach

and perhaps a spot of shopping in the evening

right here ..

As well as revisiting Canada, we crossed the border into the States and drove down into Washington and Oregon for a couple of days over Easter. It was whilst in Oregon that I met up with a very, very special lady, and I shall tell you all about that next time.

Happy Monday to you, it is a fabulous day here.


  1. You lucky, lucky thing!! :)
    My son did that trip a few years ago and he said it was amazing, he went down as far as San Francisco.
    I think the special lady has already let the cat out of the bag, how lovely to meet her. :)
    Such a brilliant holiday, I'll admit it I'm jealous! ;)
    Happy new week Kate, bright and sunny here but very chilly,
    Vivienne x

  2. Ahhhhh, I guessed Vancouver. It is a delightful city. Lucky you! Have a great time.

  3. You always photograph Canada so well. I hope you were made to feel welcome. Vancouver is a very long journey for me, so I can imagine for you and the kiddos! I look forward to hearing more about your adventure. Welcome back to this little space.

  4. 'oh-my-word' and there was me thinking you were just going to head down to Devon or somewhere for your Easter hols!

    Back to reality though - for us all - this week, but 'oh' the memories.

    Here's to the Easter break and adventures.

    Nina xxxx

  5. Welcome back! So happy to hear you had a lovely holiday! I agree. you photograph your travels so well!


  6. That's some Easter break! Looking forward to episode two.

  7. Ooh you lucky thing! Looks like you had a great time :D

  8. Wonderful. It sounds quite impromptu which would have made it even better.

  9. Cool! How brilliant - looks amazing, I have never been to Canada, but I have met some very lovely people from there!
    I am desperate to try your Sunday cake recipe too - I must remember to get the coconut oil...
    Love Sarah -x-

  10. Ooh, how wonderful Kate...your photographs are fabulous..such very special memories for your little ones,
    Hope you are having a great week,
    Susan x

  11. great photos...can't wait to hear more about your trip :)


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