Oh no, I'm not talking about the biological children. It was the kittens who had their 15 seconds of fame! Check them out, they're on at about 11.45 minutes .. but for goodness sake, don't blink! Millie Mittens is the black and white who jumps up at the wall and then gets moved off Leon's knee, Alfie is the little tabby popping out from underneath Karen's chair. It must have been filmed the day before we collected them. So cute and very exciting for the children.

The other night Alfie stayed out the whole night for the first time. I'm a little embarrassed to say I was worried sick and even got up in the middle of the night to shine a torch around the garden, much to the husband's bemusement. Men just don't understand how we mothers feel, do they? Needless to say, the furry one turned up the next morning, very thirsty and very hungry but not at all as traumatised as I was! The children were overjoyed to see him too, so they held a party in his honour.

Only the little furball didn't attend. Goodness knows what he was up to all night, because this was pretty much it for the next day ..

Hoping you're having a lovely Half Term week.
Hope you have had a good week, too - posted your giveaway yesterday, so should be with you any day.
ReplyDeletePomona x
Oh Alfie! I think puss had a party that night. Maybe it was a kind of 'coming of age' party..he looks very contented in his sleep, so he must have had a great time!
ReplyDeleteOh no the link doesn't work in Canada! The children must have been thrilled. I am glad Alfe found his way home. That must have been worrisome.
ReplyDeleteSo glad the puss turned up ok, I can quite understand your worry!!
ReplyDeleteAnd they're famous pussy cats too, at least they left of their own accord and didn't get fired. :)
Vivienne x
How exciting for you all. I hope you have a recording, so you can show them when they get older!