

{Hearts and Crowns Vintage Charm Necklace available here}

I've had a boy at home sick with me this week so no crafting done (apart from finishing the mitts) and only a little photography achieved. Hoping next week brings better tidings.

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. This necklace is so special, I love the mixture of charms and stones, and the colours are wonderful. Hope you have a crafty week next week...and have a happy weekend.
    Helen x

  2. Your jewellery is lovely - I like all the charms. I hope you can spend more time crafting next week. Wishing you lots of inspiration.

  3. How gorgeous is that! Love it!!

    Hope that poorly boy is all better soon x

  4. What a beautiful necklace - get well wishes for your poorly boy .

  5. Oh get well soon little man....hopefully seeing Pudsey tonight will cheer him up.
    Liking the blue necklace very much - I wish I suited blue, Magpie looks amazing in it. I am better in green..Hoping the weekend brings some sunshine for us all,

    Sarah x

  6. Hope the boy is 'all better' soon!!
    What a beautiful necklace the colours are gorgeous. :)
    Happy weekend Kate,
    Vivienne x

  7. Very pretty - love those blues!

  8. Love your blue collection. Enjoy your weekend, Dawn x

  9. Hi Kate, this blue necklace is adorable. It has so much on it that I am transfixed by it and can't help gazing at all of its bits and pieces. I hope you're having a great week.

  10. Thats totally beautiful. xx

  11. Your jewellery is so special... It can be a gorgeus present in christmas!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Maider x

  12. Such a pretty necklace - hope the charms work on the lad and he's feeling better.

  13. What a gorgeous necklace and stunning photography! Hope your little man is better soon x


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