

I thought blackberry season was well and truly over but the children managed to sniff some out at the weekend. A quick photo, then they were gone and I can only imagine how good they tasted!

But despite this can't-make-up-its-mind weather, there's a lovely autumnal feel to the air now and tramping about amongst the ochre leaves reminds me why this is my favourite season of all. Since our holiday I have this constant yearning to walk so we drove to one of London's larger commons to stretch our legs that bit further.

And I've been sewing again, this time with Autumn in mind of course, using up remnants of wool tweed left over from this project. Teamed with antique crochet and vintage Liberty it's giving me thoughts of yet more crispness under foot and a reminder that it'll soon be time to order logs for the fire!

I hope your week is going well, it's beautiful here.


  1. Lovely photos and beautiful little bag. We too are walking more these days.

  2. What a wonderful bag - beautiful. I too long to walk in these autumn days. Am hoping to find the time to go up the Malverns this weekend - on these clear days the views will be stunning.

  3. I love the tweed and crochet and the lining is soooooo pretty, beautiful little purse. :)
    I don't know about the autumn, I took some photos at the weekend very similar to your's now it feels like summer again!!! And they say to expect snow in October, that's 3 seasons in one month!!
    Vivienne x

  4. The blackberries were late here so are still really abundant. Would you believe the whippets like to eat them. My walks at the moment are punctuated by retrieving dogs who have dared to reach too far into bramble patches!
    Gorgeous little bag :D

  5. Very pretty - the tweed looks wondreful with the antique crochet and the lining is fab.

  6. I'm so loving it too - the warmth and colours are amazing.

    Maybe one last blackberry push?

    Nina x

  7. I love the bag , What a great choice of fabric !! Now following xx Ava

  8. Love that tweed, what a gorgeous little bag x

  9. Hi Kate. Yes, I'm loving it, especially now the sun has reached Cornwall. Pretty bags x

  10. gorgeous bag! Cant make up it's mind weather means I am missing autumn....very hot today for us! x

  11. I love the tweedy purse - very rustic! It has been so hot here for the past couple of days that I have given up the hotties in bed - unheard of in September!

    Pomona x


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