
seeing red

Wow, what an overwhelming response to my red dress - thank you!

I'm in serious red phase at the moment. Actually I'm forever thinking about red as (and you may well have gathered by now) this is my all time favourite colour. Depending on the shade, it evokes a myriad of memories and emotions but I like it best in those wonderful hues found on antique French textiles, some verging on brick but mostly the faded poppy shades. They are so uplifting yet never harsh. Another reason for the red moment is, of course, the fact that Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so I've been adding a touch of rouge to the shop.

I personally don't hold out much hope for my own treat on the 14th though. I once told my husband that if he didn't surprise me with flowers or gifts at any other time of the year, then he shouldn't bother on Valentine's Day. Miserable of me? Yes, yes I do realise that now of course, and believe me I have paid for that rash comment .. not a card, flowers, dinner, nor anything else for that matter, has come my way on the 14th February since!

So go on then, rub my nose in it why don't you .. how might you celebrate?

PS - you mustn't feel sorry for me, the penny did drop about the remaining 364 days!!


  1. You sound like me in the cutting off your nose to spite your face department! That's just the sort of thing I'd say and then wonder why I am taken at my word! Still like you my OH doses make up for it in other ways! Not expecting any diamonds nor dinner at the Ritz for me either.

    Love the little red bags.


  2. the colours on the jewels are wonderful......i love red...i once complained about flowers from the petrol station and dont think i have had any since! valentines day, like you say its the other 364 that count.

  3. I love the jewellry! Gorgeous. To say that this is the heart shaped household, not much comes my way on Valentines day! xxx

  4. Men seem to be very literal in their translation of our comments. I told mr w that I loved to get flowers..so instead of getting a bunch of bought flowers...my then boyfriend picked a few 'weed' flowers..wild poppies and stuck them in a tin..dirt and all..to give to me..I was surprised to say the least. Being only nineteen I was also mad with him...now it seems kind of cute!

  5. Oh, I am all about red too. I've just received an order of gorgeous red fabrics from equilter- pop over and have a look if you like.

    This valentines day I'll be making heart-shaped custard creams with the little ones. And maybe I'll sew a little gift for my hubby if I get time (I was thinking a laundry bag for when he stays away)Hope you have a lovely day anyway Laura x

  6. Why is it men don't realise that we don't always mean what we say and that they should know when we do mean it! (I've confused myself now!)
    I have to admit that red is my least favourite colour, having said that your jewellery is beautiful.
    Vivienne x

  7. No celebrations here either on the 14th.

    Hubby gave me a 'commiserations' card when we first got together and well - that's kind of set the scene.

    Nina xxx

  8. I love your red phase! Your dress is the best!

  9. We are another couple who ignore the 14th and all the hype around it. Easily done, I guess, when happily married. Maybe not so, otherwise?

    Your reds are very cheery. I like your labels too.

    T x

  10. We don't really do Valentines day, I may cook a nice meal but that will be it - it is a load of commercial nonsense really.

  11. My husband is quite into Valentine's Day - which is odd because he would hardly think about a birthday / anniversary/ Christmas but starts mentioning Valentine's Day weeks' before! We don't go out or anything but we do celebrate at home with dinner and decorations. Love the comment about your kids and the dates - that's great because they are meant to be really good for you.
    PS Love the dress too - fab!


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