

A horrible lurgy has just claimed the last four days which so infuriates me. I hate the feeling of utter lethargy and the inability to do something when only bed calls. But although it did truly knock me for six I am without doubt the right side of it now, with fingers crossed and hoping to goodness that no one else in the family comes down with it.

However, despite the fact I couldn't summon up the energy to do anything, I did lie in bed, having lovely thoughts about what craftiness I should get up to first. I haven't done any dressmaking for an age and I'm feeling its call big time. It's way too soon to think about summer but certainly a little something for the spring, surely it must be coming soon?

So once I chose a piece of fabric from the groaning shelf, and popped it into the washing machine for a spot of pre-shrinkage, I set to work on something different. You see, I may not be feeling bouncy at the moment, but there's no reason why I shouldn't be thinking about it ..

Hey presto, one sweet little bouncing bunny egg cosy. From this great book, it is definitely helping to put a little spring in my step!

Oh, by the way, I didn't say thank you so much for the lovely comments about my lace scarf. You'll be pleased to know it is actually warming my mother now and it arrived at a very timely moment, hasn't it gone so cold?

Keep warm x


  1. Kate - When I saw that bunny pop up on my reader, I recognized it immediately! My sister knitted my older daughter a very similar Bliss bunny toy(looks just like this one first photo, same colour http://knittedtoys.blogspot.com/2007/03/hidden-projects.html )
    I love Debbie Bliss bunnies they are perfect for the year of the rabbit!

  2. Sorry you've been feeling poorly Kate, hope you're bouncing soon!
    Love the bunny, I have that book too, some gorgeous things to knit in there.
    Well at least you've got a head start on Easter. :)
    Vivienne x

  3. Oh, it is sooo cold again. We had a few snowflakes this morning. Yuk.
    Hope you are soon in bouncing good health again like your sweet bunny eggcosy.

  4. I am still in the grip of the lurgy - My head seems to contain 8 gallons of fluid! xxx

  5. This is adorable, I love it! So sorry you are feeling poorly but well done for making something rather than letting the lurgy completely strike you down!

  6. Hope you feel better soon, the lurgy is everywhere at the moment. Roll on spring sunshine!x

  7. Absolutely freezing and so dark..yuk. I hope the lurgy has well and truly moved on now Kate. I am feeling the urge to dressmake too, but it has got no further as yet! x

  8. It is absolutely freezing today and so miserable and dull. I bet your mother loves her new scarf. Love the little egg warmer bunny. Very cute. Hope you are feeling 100% better soon.

  9. I hope you bounce back to full health again, that bunny is adorable!

  10. I so know how you've been feeling - there are some pretty ugly nasties brewing at the moment.

    Take care and keep dreaming of dress making.

    Nina xxx

    ps. aaawwwww - love the bunny! N xx

  11. I hope you're feeling much better now - and at least having the lurgy makes you take a little rest, and gives you some thinking time - always an important part of creativity! The little bunny egg cosy is really sweet! And if you feel like dressmaking now - do it! Helen x

  12. You have found sweet and cosy things to do while nursing yourself back to health! I am glad you are feeling better. T x

  13. Aah, that bunny is so sweet! Sorry to hear you have been poorly, and hope you are recovering well. x

  14. Cute bunny and pleased you were able to use your 'down time' for happy thoughts and that you are bouncing back.

  15. cute bunny, hope you're on tip top form soon enough.

    Cate, x

  16. So cute, and great pictures.


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