
extended family

On Saturday our family was joined by two little furballs, having finally caved in under a growing amount of pressure from certain young members. They are (the kittens!) the cutest things imaginable and have given us all such a huge amount of joy and laughs since they arrived.

Both 9 week old rescue kittens, there is Millie Mittens who is MLF's new 'baby'. She is black with white on her paws, neck and chin, very bold and extremely sociable and affectionate. MLF, who can't believe her luck says "someone pinch me, I must be dreaming".

Little brother Alfie is our boy's little boy. A sweet little tabby although quite reserved in comparison. Actually it was touch and go as to whether he came home with us because he spent the whole time hiding under a low cabinet at the rescue home, reducing poor carrot boy to tears. But the change in him now is incredible, he is really coming out of his shell so I know he'll be just right for us all. We love them already.

Trouble is, they've already developed a liking for my antique furniture, much to everyone else's amusement. Hmmm!

Any advice out there about how to tackle the Christmas tree this year would be very gratefully received?!

Hope you're having a lovely week x


  1. They are the cutest! Christmas tree advice - brace it well!

  2. They are so very cute. I had to laugh at your question about the Christmas tree as the first year we had our cats I had decorated the tree and not given it another thought and we came downstairs the next morning to find the tree ( not a real on luckily) overturned and completely denuded of decorations and two kittens looking as if they'd had a wonderful time!! Only answer is to shut them out of the room where the tree is unless you are there to keep an eye on them and to make sure you don't have anything too dangly on the lower branches. Luckily by the next year they were not so interested although they still looked at the tree and you could see them wondering! Best of luck!!

    Jane x

  3. I think you had better invest in a scratching post! They'll be up the curtains next...
    They are very photogenic and I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more of them!

  4. I think you either hang the tree out of reach or accept that they will have fun with it.

    I remember when my sister had her first kitten - the tree spent most of that christmas on the floor and within days was bald as the kitten just wanted to play with it!!

  5. They are so cute!!!

    By the way... since we have our cats we still have no christmas tree. in the first year we picked up the kittens from top of the tree :)

  6. Oh Kate they are absolutely adorable, lucky you! :)
    I'm afraid I have no advice regarding the tree, I imagine anything dangling on a string must be very tempting to a pair of kittens!! :)
    Vivienne x

  7. So cute - eeeek - they are gorgeous.

    As for the Christmas tree - sorry - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ours. It's only been up a day and touch wood no accidents....yet.

    Nina xxx

  8. You won't regret it. They are wonderful company and each have their own little personalities. My haert always melts when I see pictures of kittens. Yours are truly adorable!
    Isabelle x

  9. Oh Kate, they are just the cutest little bundles imaginable! You will be smitten with these kittens forever! Millie Mittens (I love that name!) is how I imagine our Bobbi to have looked when she was a kitten - almost identical markings. As for Alfie - he is the cutest boy!

    Antique furniture, IKEA basics ... its all the same to naughty kitties!! I'm sorry to say Kate that you may have to forego the Christmas tree for this year ...!!

    Ours has almost been over twice already since Sunday with Jess determined to become our new fairy ... and she should know better at her age!!!!

    Happy, chaotic days!!


  10. aaahhh so cute! hhmm maybe just see them as an extension to your decorations when the tree goes up and they jump in it :-)

    At least you haven't caved in to a snake like I have, yes I said snake - I am bonkers!

  11. oh so gorgeous xxx
    we have learnt over the years to always anchor the tree to something - a radiator or the curtain pole...... and a spray bottle of water whenever they go near it is always useful. our cats have been driving us mad this year by insisting on drinking stale water out of the stand. xxx

  12. Oh my, they are so adorable. Snuggly little fur balls I could just pick up and cuddle for ages. My dogs wouldn't like that very much though, lol, and they are a wee bit bigger.
    As to the Christmas tree, kittens make lovely tree top fairies and tree ornaments. Our friends' cat used to hurl herself straight from the stairs into the tree. Many shattered ornaments later, they learned their lesson, lol, small tree on a table, artificial tree of course, and shatter proof ornaments.

  13. They are SO gorgeous...and here speaks a dog person...love their names too. What fun is to be had in the harmony and rosie household over christmas. No tree tips...I've got my first tree in 8 years...and that's with nosey dogs!

    Kate, I will try and get to a catch up email before christmas. Bear with me....


  14. They are so sweet Kate. My girls would be desperately envious. I remember my mum using a spray bottle of water to keep our cats away from the Christmas tree. Perhaps that would help?

  15. Can't offer any advise as Ive never been a cat lover, but they are totally adorable. xxxxx

  16. It is so good for children to have a pet and baby animals are always delightful. Of course they do come with problems and drawbacks - it's all part of the fun .

  17. Christmas tree - bye, nice furniture, bye, fur covered clothing, hello, but they're worth it, honest

  18. Hello Kate
    Oh they are absolutely totally adorable! Kittens are the cutest of all baby animals :-)
    We have 2 sisters, now 10 years old, one black and one black/white - our black and white is called Milly too! And so as not to be left out her sisters says I have to let you know her name is Macy.
    Now what to do about the furniture and tree? hmmmm .... vigilance is all I think. Though they will scratch and climb and create mayhem - hopefully you'll be able to avert the worst of it!
    Happy Kitten Days!
    D x

  19. Those are beautiful kittens, we got our 2 rescue moggies this time 8 years ago. The Christmas tree had non-valuable baubles (ie plastic ones instead of vintage ones) that year! Lizzie


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