
home schooled

My little friend was sick last night, poor thing. And given she didn't get much sleep, we didn't send her in to school today.

So imagine my horror to have her bounding around way too early this morning, refusing to go back to sleep.

Imagine her horror then, when I got her to recite the times tables and then do some reading aloud. Ha!

All plans for updating my shop with a variety of sewing makes has been put on the back burner for now and with hubby upstairs in bed watching The Apprentice on the iPlayer (man flu!), there's not a whole heap happening around here right now.

'Home Schooling' and games over, MLF and I have taken to the sofa to watch The Borrowers. I'm thinking there may be the teeny tiniest of chances I may even get in a spot of knitting! Hmm, we'll see!

Happy Monday x


  1. Good Luck ! Tomorrow is an other day ! I didn't know you have a shop. Shame on me !

  2. Man flu!!! I can sympathise - completely.

    I do hope all are well tomorrow?

    Hope you get some knitting done,

    Nina xxx

  3. Families eh?! Hope the invalids are all fully recovered soon and that you can get on with your things! Mind you cuddling up to watch the Borrowers doesn't sound too bad.


  4. I was going to say I hope she feels better soon but it sounds like she already does!

  5. Hope the big and small one feel better now,and you can get a bit of knitting done! :o)

  6. Hope you get some time to yourself tomorrow and glad your little friend is better now.

  7. Oh goodness, we've had just that same business going on over here today! So much for my big plans. It's been writing letters practice at our house. Well, it did help me mop the floors which I had been putting off.
    Hope you got that knitting in!

  8. Sounds like a good way to spend a Monday - beats doing housework !!
    Did you get any knitting done? I am really enjoying my crochet though my progress is slow and I forget FAST !!

  9. Isn't it always the way? Enjoy your day with her and the possibility of some knitting.

  10. Hi Kate, go with the flow, I say! Enjoy being able to have a quiet day being inside and cozy, it won't last long and everyone will be back to normal.

  11. Oh dear - I'm surprised she managed that much attention with a man flu victim in the house! They normally demand round the clock care! Hope they both feel better.

  12. Hope all signs of sickness have now been banished from your house Kate!


  13. The times tables and reading aloud tactics did make me smile. Hope it has returned to being all Harmony & Rosie in your household now! x


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