

Monograms? Lovely. French monograms? Yes please. Antique French monograms? Now you're talking!

Cross stitch, satin stitch, rembourre - any old stitch so long as it's hand-stitched. Red, white, cream - no matter, just keep them coming! I'm a sucker for these things and if the initials are any from our family? .... just try keeping me away!

How about this one - an absolute beauty. French, antique white, slubby linen, hand-stitched centre seam, my daughter's initials - but she's 6 years old for goodness sake! Only how could I possibly have passed up such a golden opportunity - it was ticking all the boxes, it was begging to be snatched up

A pair of unused vintage French pillowcases with our initials ... foolish not to

initials on towels - everyone needs towels

vintage French linen markers and wooden embroidery block - love them so much

and because one can never have enough of such things (!), I made a "skirt" to wrap over a simple lamp shade for my sewing room. I cross stitched our initials on it using an old copper monogramming stencil.

But there's more of it stashed away in my overfilled cupboard - linen sheets that can only be used for small projects except for wonderful monograms; and not forgetting a couple of 19th C chemises (monogrammed, naturally), one of which I wore as a dress last Summer and then thought to myself "what on earth are you doing, this is not only old - it's white"!

But surely I can't be alone here? Please tell me I don't need some kind of gentle help?!!!

Have a lovely weekend


  1. Oh lord, I nearly had a fit! So much gorgeousness and I WANT those embroidery blocks! x

  2. Those vintage French pillowcases are BEAutiful!
    Like Pipany I would really like one of those embroidery blocks and the vintage linen markers!

    Jeanne x

  3. Oh, I love it! You should visit Lululiz in Lalaland if you want to realise that you are not alone. She has some similar collections, although the posts are way back in her archives. I think you would enjoy them. As for me, I have just a few, which I started collecting this summer...

  4. Thanks so much for the tip off, Floss, I shall be heading over there later today ...

  5. Ooher, a woman after my own heart. Yep, I am equally addicted to everything you have mentioned in this post. I love monogrammed linens ( sheets, towels, nighties, bloomers etc ), I have errrmm one or two linen marker letters and blocks for stamping embroidery monograms and broderie anglaise patterns, copper and tin monogram templates, and yes, I have also worn antique French nighties as dresses during the summer, nothing wrong with that. Oh, btw, I was told by an antiques dealer lady in the summer that the in thing to wear on the mediterranean coast is........ bloomers as blouses. She showed me how and it works, lol. They obviously have to be the proper, crotchless ones, the legs become the sleeves, you pin them at the front with a pretty brooch and wear that over a little top.... or over nothing else, if you are daring enough, lol.


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